Next HSM 13.04.2025 Sunday
5km, 10km, half marathon,
marathon, kids 1km
and 400m
Marathon, half marathon and 10 km running race in Helsinki
Running race in a beautiful, flat, and fast course in Helsinki

Welcome to the run HSM event 23/10/2022
Starts Helsinki Local time Sunday October 23 th 2022
10 km START TIME 12.00
Helsinki Spring half Marathon START TIME 14.00
Helsinki Spring Marathon START TIME 11.30
HSM children 1km start time 11.35
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Enjoy running and the beautiful spring of Helsinki!
Run the race of your dreams and enjoy the spring of Helsinki at Helsinki Spring Marathon! The marathon, half marathon, and 10 km with fellow runners and supporters give you a unique running experience!
Race 10 km, half marathon or marathon on a flat and fast course!
Are you aiming at your own personal best or perhaps even the course record? Or, are you are challenging yourself by running your first marathon? Perhaps your aim is to run a marathon, half marathon, or 10 km for fun and feeling good? The HSM marathon, half-marathon, and 10 km courses are flat, fast, and officially certified.