Next HSM 13.04.2025 Sunday
5km, 10km, half marathon,
marathon, kids 1km
and 400m
There is age limit of 18 years to Helsinki Spring Marathon competition.
Age classes for women and men of Helsinki Spring Marathon:
Men open, 40 years, 50 years, 60 years
Women open, 45 years, 60 years
There is no age limit for Helsinki Spring half Marathon and Helsinki Spring 10K running race competition. However, the participation of a runner under 18 years old, is under minor´s parent´s responsibility.
Age classes for women and men of Helsinki Half Spring Marathon:
Men open, 40 years, 60 years
Women open, 45 years, 60 years
Age classes for women and men of Helsinki Spring 10K running race:
Men open, 50 years and Condition series
Women open, 50 years and Condition series
When signing in the participants of the marathon announce their birth date according which the runners are put to different classes. The class is determined by the age on December 31st of the running year (IAAF rule 141, article 1). If the runner wishes, she/he can compete in open class, but not in other classes.