Next HSM 13.04.2025 Sunday
5km, 10km, half marathon,
marathon, kids 1km
and 400m
You can pay the participation fee as a bank payment or by credit card or paypal.
Only in Finland we accept Nets’ / Luottokunta’s and Smartum’s exercise vouchers and etc… (Virikeseteli and Liikuntaseteli) as payment. We accept: Smartum balance, Smartum exercise and cultural vouchers, Sports Pass, Edenred exercise vouchers.
HELSINKI SPRING MARATHON 2018 entry fees in 2017 and 2018: ​​​
26.12.2017: 46 EUR - with runner card 44 EUR
27.12 - 28.01.2018: 48 EUR - with runner card 46 EUR
29.01 - 27.02.2018: 53 EUR - with runner card 51 EUR
28.02 - 31.03.2018: 56 EUR - with runner card 54 EUR
01.04 - 16.04.2018: 58 EUR
(advance registration closes 18/04/2017 - at 23:00)
Late registration is possible in the race office on the race day. Fees for late registration: EUR 65 . We accept Nets’ / Luottokunta’s and Smartum’s exercise vouchers (Virikeseteli and Liikuntaseteli) as payment for late registration.
HELSINKI SPRING HALF MARATHON 2018 entry fees in 2017 and 2018:
26.12.2017: 36 EUR - with runner card 34 EUR
27.12 - 28.01.2018: 40 EUR - with runner card 38 EUR
29.01 - 27.02.2018: 42 EUR - with runner card 40 EUR
28.02 - 31.03.2018: 45 EUR - with runner card 43 EUR
01.04 - 16.04.2018: 50 EUR
(advance registration closes 16/04/2018 - at 23:00)
Late registration is possible in the race office on the race day. Fees for late registration: EUR 60. We accept Nets’ / Luottokunta’s and Smartum’s exercise vouchers (Virikeseteli and Liikuntaseteli) as payment for late registration.
HELSINKI SPRING 10K 2018 entry fees in 2017 and 2018:​
26.12.2017: 22 EUR - with runner card 21 EUR
27.12 - 28.01.2018: 23 EUR - with runner card 22 EUR
29.01 - 27.02.2018: 24 EUR - with runner card 23 EUR
28.02 - 31.03.2018: 27 EUR - with runner card 26 EUR
01.04 - 16.04.2018: 30 EUR
(advance registration closes 16/04/2018 - at 23:00)
Late registration is possible in the race office on the race day. Fees for late registration: EUR 35. We accept Nets’ / Luottokunta’s and Smartum’s exercise vouchers (Virikeseteli and Liikuntaseteli) as payment for late registration.
Late registration is possible in the race office during the Helsinki Spring Marathon event 22 April 2018. The race office is located in Pukinmäki Sports Park (address: Kenttätie 3, 00720 Helsinki). The office is open on Sunday 22 April at 8:30 am thru 5:40 pm.
Late registration must be carried out not later than (1) one hour prior to the your own competition start.
Book now hotel room (HSM 2018 campaign at prices from room package) - online hotel reservations - Click to Sokos Hotel logo
Registration fee includes:
Participation in the HSM race of your choice (Marathon, Half Marathon, or 10K)
Refreshment stations during and after the race
Finisher medal
Complimentary gear check
Storage of goods for 2 EUR (Valuables Storage: See Info / valuables storage)
Helsinki Spring Marathon Online Magazine
Starts Helsinki Local time Sunday April 22th 2018
10 km START TIME 11.30
Helsinki Spring half Marathon START TIME 14.00
Helsinki Spring Marathon START TIME 11.00