Next HSM 13.04.2025 Sunday
5km, 10km, half marathon,
marathon, kids 1km
and 400m
Payment for HSM - Helsinki Spring Marathon registration: marathon, half marathon and 10 km
You can pay the participation fee as a bank payment or by credit card or paypal. Credit cards: VISA, MASTER CARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVER NETWORK
As a bank payment: the registration fee will be paid into the account: Danske Bank Corporation FI07 8000 1301 3466 24
(Danske Bank's BIC is DABAFIHH (Bic \ swift Dabafihh)). You can make a participation fee as a normal bank transfer.
Enter the payment in the message field HSM2018 and the name of the runner when you pay the Helsinki Spring Marathon participation fee
Enter the payment in the message box HSM1 / 22018 and the name of the runner when you pay the Helsinki Spring Half Million participation fee
Enter the payment in the message field HS10KM2018 and the name of the runner when you pay for the Helsinki Spring 10 km running fee
Click this link to access the bank page, where you can find your bank (only Finnish banks)
Only in Finland: If you pay for sports vouchers, or with Smartum Saldo or Sporttipass, your payment has been taken into consideration (when you pay the participation fee with sports vouchers, we will send an email address to which you can send your exercise vouchers* (be sure to sign each banknote*).
Payment by Credit Card or Paypal Fee: